I'm no Prototype JS wizard but I thought I'd post this little tidbit on my blog since it stumped me for a while.
I needed to "tab" to the end field in a form when a person pressed enter in a text field. The problem was that I didn't want to manually set this up on each page and I didn't know the id of the form since it varied. This is what I came up with:
$(document.forms[0]).getInputs('text').each(function(input) {
input.observe('keypress', function(e) {
if (e.keyCode==13) {
var inputs = $(document.forms[0]).getInputs('text');
var idx = inputs.indexOf(this);
if (idx == inputs.length - 1) {
} else {
inputs[idx + 1].focus(); // handles submit buttons
inputs[idx + 1].select();
return false;
Essentially this is what is going on:
- Get all the "text" type form elements in the first form. We're using the DOM with some prototype goodness by using the $() selector.
- For each text input, interate over it with the each() function. On each iteration, the text element is called "input".
- Attach an "keypress" observer to each input and a callback function to call when a keypress ocurrs.
- Now in the main callback, we're looking for an "enter" (which is key code 13).
- We get all the form elements again and stash them into the variable named "inputs".
- We need to figure out the next text element in the array, so we find the index of the text element in which this event was observed using indexOf(...).
- Some magic goes on here so that if we're the at the last element, we loop back to the first form element.
Voila! There it is and I hope this helps somebody figure out what is going on. Feel free to rip this code apart and tell me how to make it leaner and meaner.
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