Wednesday, February 12, 2014

How to fix a R1Soft NO_PUBKEY error during apt-get update

During a recent apt-get update of one of our systems, we encountered an error with the R1Soft repository for CDP:

W: GPG error: stable Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 1BF3530AA40384ED

It appears that R1Soft started using a new key which they publish.  In order to get this repository working again, you must update to use the new key.  Use the following commands to import the new key:

apt-key add r1soft.asc
apt-get update

The key (pun intendned) of this post is to remind myself of the URL of the public key block.


  1. It isn't working, i have iphone 4s jailbreak 7.0.4 and i have this error(W: GPG error:....) for all my sources. What i have to do? thanks

  2. This blog post doesn't apply to phones. This has to do with web server software.

  3. I keep referring to this post to fix my r1soft public key errors. Just wanted to say thanks! Very helpful
